Allotments & Grow Your Own Projects
Alice Park Community Garden
In 2010 Alice Park Community Gardens was a piece of waste ground hidden behind a tall hedge in a corner of Alice Park. A local resident and member of Transition Larkhall discovered it by accident while out walking her dog. Recognising its potential, she obtained permission from the Council to set up a garden on the land.
Bath Organic Group
The Bath Organic Group has an organic, community garden at Lower Common allotments in Bath, which produces a wide range of fresh fruit and vegetables. The site also contains a cut flower garden, an apple orchard and herb garden. Visitors are welcome for educational visits.
Dry Arch Growers
Bathampton Community Co-operative has set up Dry Arch Growers, Bath's first Community Supported Agricultural Scheme (CSA), which is a partnership between farmers and the local community. Backed by Transition Bath, membership is open to residents wanting to share produce and is focussed on a six acre piece of land in the village. Bathampton primary school will have its own garden on site.
Bath Eco Minds
Allotments provide a number of health and social benefits but are often inaccessible for the people they could most benefit. The Council recognised there was no provision for disabled people and worked in partnership with local organisations to create raised beds, a shared polytunnel and bespoke shed on part of its Monksdale Road allotment site. A hospital Horticultural Therapist visits the site to help the user groups. The Probation Service and Young Offenders visit twice a week to dig the ground for some groups who are only able to sow seeds and plant. They also carry out minor repairs and any other manual work that is needed. All the groups involved find the outdoor work enjoyable, physically demanding and calming.
Bath City Farm
Eco minds also have an allotment at Bath City Farm as have Age Concern which has made growing plots available to local residents, some of whom have been waiting for many years for the chance to grow their own. For further information n this, contact Paula Smith, Age Concern on 01225 484510 or e-mail
Abbey view allotments
Contact us!
The Bath in Bloom Committee is always keen to hear about other, similar projects so do get in touch at if you know of any more or are interested in starting one.